Good morning, all! Happy Halloween! Halloween is on Sunday this year, expect an increase of children of all ages celebrating all weekend! 

Safe Driving is a Treat!

Beware! Ghosts and goblins, Batmen, and mermaids will be roaming the streets again at sunset on Oct. 31! Many of us think about the kids in the neighborhood, but these days there are folks on every street enjoying the Halloween spirit. Halloween should be a happy day, but the American College of Emergency Physicians notes that twice as many kids are hit and killed on Halloween than any other day of the year. Here are safety tips to help you and trick-or-treaters stay safe this holiday.

Motorist Tips

Many of these may seem like common sense, but when all the fun and creepy costumes come out, we may divert our attention to seeing them, rather than paying attention to the road.

  • Pay particular attention at crosswalks and intersections
  • Use caution when passing cars that are stopped on the street. They may be loading or unloading passengers
  • Keep in mind, some costumes limit vision; trick-or-treaters may cross the street without seeing you
  • Reduce your speed, especially in neighborhoods or busy downtown areas
  • As always, do not use cell phones or other handheld portable devices
  • Turn your headlights on well before sunset to make your vehicle as visible as possible
  • Keep your radio turned down so you can hear outside your vehicle
  • Scan left and right, but also take notice of children coming from porches and sidewalks; look for feet around parked cars

Drivers should exercise caution on Halloween. Visibility may be reduced at twilight, and the late afternoon sun is often a blinding experience. By remaining alert to your surroundings, you can protect yourself and others from harm, and make this and every Halloween a fun and memorable event!