• Know everything going on around you.
  • Always look well ahead down the road and around your rig.
  • When rolling down the highway, especially in heavy traffic, always plan an ‘escape route’.
  • Be aware of who’s in front of you, beside you, and behind you at all times. Be aware of everything, so you can act accordingly, if and when necessary.  
  • Being well-rested keeps you at your best.

Be alert, be aware, and move slowly and cautiously, especially at night.

Always exercise ‘extra’ caution at night, especially in tight maneuvering situations. I’ve seen too many truckers leaving a truck stop at night thinking they’re headed for the road and drive straight into a ditch, slam into the back end of a trailer, and hit light posts head-on.

      Leave Room in Front of Your Rig.

  • Always, always leave plenty of room in front of your vehicle.
  • It can be very frustrating if you are only traveling 50 mph, and everyone else is doing 65 mph, BUT it can keep you out of trouble.
  • This ‘buffer zone’ or ‘cushion’ in front of your rig will protect you and your truck.
  • Usually, if anything goes wrong, there’s a good chance it will be ahead of you.
  • The more empty space you have in front of you and your unit, the more time you’ll have to ‘correct’ and slow down, if necessary.