Safety Message – Mental Health on the Truck

Safety Message – Mental Health on the Truck

Life on the road can be pretty tough at times. As a driver, you’re away from home for extended periods of time.   The stress of driving in heavy traffic and inclement weather can really take its toll on the mental health of a driver. Mental health is...
Safety Message – Working Out…In the Truck

Safety Message – Working Out…In the Truck

You all have deadlines, so finding time to exercise or search for healthy food (which is like trying to find a shirt with sleeves at a truck stop) can be a challenge.  1. No matter what, exercise 15 minutes every day. It doesn’t have to happen in a...
Safety Message – Goal (Get Out And Look)

Safety Message – Goal (Get Out And Look)

(Get out and look) When backing up must occur, Get Out and Look (GOAL). “Before backing, get out of your cab and walk around your vehicle to look and see what lies between you and your backing destination. Nobody on the riding step. Never back your vehicle when...
Safety Message – Mirrors

Safety Message – Mirrors

START WITH A CLEAN SLATE: Find a cool spot to clean your mirrors instead of cleaning them inthe blazing sun.Apply the cleaner to a lint-free cloth rather than applying thecleaner directly to your mirrors.Keep a small can of defroster within easy reach in your truck...
Safety Message – CVSA International Roadcheck 2022

Safety Message – CVSA International Roadcheck 2022

Inspectors primarily conduct Level I inspections, a 37-step procedure that includes an examination of driver requirements and vehicle mechanical fitness. This year the focus will be on wheel ends: Top violations the CVSA reported during 2021 roadside inspections: •...
Safety Message – Be Aware

Safety Message – Be Aware

Know everything going on around you.Always look well ahead down the road and around your rig.When rolling down the highway, especially in heavy traffic, always plan an ‘escape route’.Be aware of who’s in front of you, beside you, and behind you at all times. Be aware...